
Gautam College of Pharmacy

Approved by PCI, Affiliated to H.P.T.U. Hamirpur & H.P.T.S.B. Dharamshala
01972-292018,+91 9418010420

Ward 10 Near ISBT Hamirpur (HP)-177001

Approved by PCI, Affiliated to H.P.T.U. Hamirpur & H.P.T.S.B. Dharamshala

Policies & Strategies

S.No. Title/Description View Download
Academic Research Incentive Policy

Water Conservation Policy

At Gautam College of Pharmacy, we recognize the critical importance of water as a vital resource for life, health, and sustainability. Our Water Conservation Policy is designed to promote responsible water use and management practices across our campus. As an educational institution, we are committed to fostering a culture of awareness and responsibility towards water conservation among students, faculty, and staff.

Waste Management Policy

At Gautam College of Pharmacy, we are dedicated to promoting environmental sustainability and responsible waste management practices. Our Waste Management Policy aims to minimize waste generation, promote recycling, and ensure the safe disposal of hazardous materials. By fostering a culture of sustainability within our college community, we seek to reduce our ecological footprint and contribute to the health of our planet.

Gender Equity Policy

Gender sensitization became relevant as an instrument in the present time when inclusivity and equity ruled the world. Gautam College of Pharmacy works for providing an ambience where students, faculty, and staff show respect and belief in gender equity.

Energy Conservation Policy

At Gautam College of Pharmacy, we are committed to fostering an educational environment that prioritizes sustainability and responsible resource management. Recognizing the pressing need to address climate change and reduce our carbon footprint, the Energy Conservation Policy outlines our dedication to implementing energy-efficient practices across campus.

Green Campus Policy

At Gautam College of Pharmacy, we recognize the vital role that a healthy environment plays in fostering academic excellence and community well-being. Nestled amidst lush greenery and vibrant plant life, our campus is uniquely positioned to lead by example in sustainability and environmental stewardship.